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Download Sponsorship Prospectus

Download the Sponsorship Prospectus

We'd love to welcome you as a sponsor at CDAO Fall's Corinium D&A Awards Gala! Check out some of our Sponsorship options below and submit this form to find out more!

  • Align yourself with the top data, analytics, and Artificial Intelligence executives and solutions in the industry!
  • Sponsored Speaking Opportunities 
  • This year’s event features premium content for our CDAO audience but also welcomes all business executives that lead their data and analytics teams regardless of industry. 
  • Opportunities for private tables, drinks reception, events, and functions.
  • Lots of options for premium branding on signage
  • Customized sponsorships to fit your budget and objectives

To download the sponsorship prospectus, complete the form. Our Sponsorship team will be in touch. 

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