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Day 2 Agenda

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  • Morning Keynotes

  • 8:15


  • 9:00

    PANEL DISCUSSION: THE STATE OF DATA & ANALYTICS 2024 – a Panel comprised of the biggest CDOs, CAOs, CDAOs & our Editorial Staff


    •    The latest trends and technologies shaping the field of data and analytics in 2024, including advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, cloud computing, and edge analytics
    •    Insights into how organizations are leveraging data and analytics to drive business strategy, innovate products and services, optimize operations, and enhance customer experiences, leading to competitive advantage and market differentiation

    Bappaditya Roy, Chief Cloud Architect, THE TJX COMPANIES, INC

    Tarun Sood, Chief Data Officer, AMERICAN CENTURY INVESTMENT

    Alex Golbin, Managing Director, Chief Data Officer & Interim Chief Technology Officer, HUDSON BAY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT

    Richard Schaefer, Chief AI Officer VISN, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS

    Erum Manzoor, Senior Vice President, CITI

    Moderated by: 
    Avinash Tripathi, Vice President, Analytics, UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX

  • 9:45

    From Hype to Reality: Mastering AI


    •    Transitioning from AI Concepts to Practical Applications
    •    Developing a Robust AI Frameworks that create value 
    •    Maximizing AI's Potential for Innovation and Growth:

    Steve Boras, Chief Data Officer, CITIZENS BANK

  • 10:15

    Maximizing your Data & Analytics Strategy for ROI, Efficiency and Productivity in an increasingly demanding environment.


    Maximizing your Data & Analytics Strategy for ROI, Efficiency and Productivity in an increasingly demanding environment.
    •    The role of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in driving ROI
    •    Why is it important to define and track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to data and analytics initiatives, such as return on investment (ROI), cost savings, productivity gains, and process efficiency improvements

  • 10:45


  • 11:15

    Artificial Intelligence isn’t just a catch-phrase anymore. It’s here to stay and we better be ready.


    •    Investing in AI talent, infrastructure, and capabilities, and developing strategies to leverage AI for competitive advantage and business growth
    •    Understanding the potential AI has to drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for value creation in a rapidly evolving digital landscape
    Glenn Hofmann, Chief Analytics Officer, NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

  • 12:00

    PANEL DISCUSSION: Data Governance and Security in the Age of AI:


    •    Establishing robust data governance frameworks
    •    Ensuring data security in AI driven environments 
    •    Balancing innovation and privacy

    Nachiket Mehta, Head of Data and Analytics, Engineering, Global Operations, WAYFAIR

    Steve Boras, Chief Data Officer, CITIZENS BANK

    Sowmya Subramanian, Executive Vice President, WARNER BROS. DISCOVERY

    Panel Moderator from DataRobot

  • 12:45

    PANEL DISCUSSION: Optimizing Data Management Strategies for Enhanced Data Quality:


    •    Designing comprehensive data management strategies 
    •    Ensuring high quality data for business intelligence
    •    Innovative data management tools and technologies 

    Vivek Goel, Chief AI Strategist, WELLNESS CONNECTION

    Puneet Matai, Data and AI Governance Lead – RT Commercial, RIO TINTO

    Keerti Purohit, Executive Director, Data & Analytics, VERIZON

    Reserved for WNS

  • 1:30


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  • Retail/e-commerce Stage

  • 2:45

    PANEL DISCUSSION: AI-driven Personalization: How Gen AI Is Shaping Customer Experiences in Retail and E-commerce


    •    Insights into how AI algorithms analyze customer data, such as browsing history, purchase patterns, and demographic information, to deliver personalized product recommendations, enhancing engagement, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction

    David Smith, Director of Data Governance, NEW BALANCE
    Zach Elewitz, Head of AI, FORTUNE BRANDS
    Seema Swamy, Senior Director, Insights, Analytics & Data Science, WALMART
    Shreesha Jagadeesh, Associate Director of Applied Machine Learning, BEST BUY
    Sabaita Mohsin, AI Product Leader, CATERPILLAR INC.
    Laks Meyyappan, Executive Director, Algorithms & Data Science, CVH HEALH

  • 3:30

    Building a Future-Proof Data Platform: A Strategic Blueprint


    In today's data-driven landscape, organizations must harness the power of their data to gain a competitive edge. However, legacy systems and siloed data sources often hinder innovation and agility. This session will provide a strategic blueprint for building a modern, future-proof data platform that unlocks the full potential of your organization's data enabling you to deliver innovative AI and analytical solutions.

    Vinay Narayana, Senior Director, Engineering, Data Analytics & ML, LEVI STRAUSS & CO

  • 4:00


  • 4:30

    Insights into how AI is being leveraged at DoorDash


    Sundeep Das, Head of Machines Learning/AI -New Business Verticals, DOOR DASH

    Rohit Raghunathan, Head of Engineering, DOORDASH

  • 5:00


  • 6:30-9:00


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  • Healthcare/ Hospitals Stage

  • 2:45

    PANEL DISCUSSION: Sitting at the top: Data Insights from hospitals & Healthcare systems and bringing us into 2024


    The evolution of data analytics in hospitals and healthcare systems, highlighting advancements in technology, data collection methods, and analytical techniques that have shaped the industry's approach to data-driven decision-making

    Carly Van Zandt, Senior Director, Data Governance, FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE

    Joshua Merrill, Enterprise Data, Analytics & Reporting , BOSTON CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL

    Ajai Sehgal, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, MAYO CLINIC

    Kevin Kramer, Senior Vice President, Data Science & Analytics, RECOVERY CENTERS OF AMERICA

    Rohit Kumar, Vice President, Software Engineering/Data Engineering, AETNA

    Sammi Tang, Vice President, Global Head of Biometrics Department, Quantitive Medicine, Data Strategy, Medical Writing) SERVIER

  • 3:30

    The impact of AI & ML on Patient and member experiences and outcomes


     AI  technology made it possible for doctors to spend more time with patients. According to a study, Physicians spend 50% of patient visit time updating records in provider systems like EHRs and only spent 25% of their time with patients. 
    Apple Watches and Smartphones devices help record patient, doctor's conversation and NLP technology convert unstructured clinical records to structured records to update the provider's systems.

    Now healthcare is moving from fee-per-service to a value-based care model. Healthcare organizations are working on measure provider performance and identifying gaps in care for reporting to payers and regulators. This type of data mining in healthcare, made possible by NLP

    Ram Gautam, Clinical Platform, TELADOC HEALTH

  • 4:00


  • 4:30

    Responsible use of Generative AI for Healthcare


    Ensuring the implementation of AI adheres to strict ethical standards and protects patient confidentiality, mitigating risks related to data security and misuse.

    Samta Shukla, Director of AI & Data Science, BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELDS OF MINNESOTA 

  • 5:00


  • 6:30-9:00


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  • CPG/Manufacturing Stage

  • 2:45

    PANEL DISCUSSION: Supply Chain Analytics: Optimizing Logistics, Inventory Management, and Demand Forecasting


    Join us as we discuss real-world examples, challenges, and the future of data-driven decision-making in manufacturing, and discover how leading companies are leveraging data to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge.

    Sheri Marshall, Technical Director, Global Analytics Capability Development, GENERAL MOTORS

  • 3:30

    Building a Data-Driven Culture: Creating a Community of Practice


    •    Essential steps to set up and foster a thriving community of practice within data and analytics organizations, including best practices for engagement and knowledge sharing
    •    Examining various organizational models for data and analytics teams, discussing the pros and cons of each, and delve into the importance of promoting data literacy to empower all employees across the organization.

    Sheri Marshall, Technical Director, Global Analytics Capability Development, GENERAL MOTORS

  • 4:00


  • 4:30

    Discussion Group: The Challenges and Advantages of Building a Data-Driven culture in Manufacturing


    •    The Importance of cultural transformation in manufacturing organizations to embrace data-driven decision-making
    •    Challenges associated with data literacy and the skills gap within manufacturing workforce; strategies for upskilling employees, promoting data literacy, and fostering a culture of continuous learning 

    Joe Delpercio, Director, Analytic Services, ZEUS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS

    Haroon Abbu, Senior Vice President, Digital Technology & Data Analytics , BELL & HOWELL


  • 5:00


  • 6:30-9:00


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  • Cross Industry Best Practices Stage

  • 2:45

    PANEL DISCUSSION: The Good, the bad and the ugly: Leveraging Data for Customer-Centric Strategies


    •    The Good: Creating Personalized Customer Experiences
    •    The Bad: Pitfalls of Poor Data Management
    •    The Ugly: Risks of Misusing Customer Data

    James Pavlovich, Vice President, Customer Experience and Operations, STRAUMANN GROUP

  • 3:30

    Emerging Technologies and Trends in Data Science: Unlocking the Potential of Data for Innovation


    •    An overview of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), blockchain, edge computing, and quantum computing, and their potential applications in data science
    •    Insights into future trends and opportunities in data science, and the potential impact of these trends on driving innovation across various industries

    Sowmya Subramanian, Executive Vice President, WARNER BROS. DISCOVERY

  • 4:00


  • 4:30

    Discussion Group: Learning from each other: Digital Transformation and Data Strategy: Navigating the Road to Success in the Digital Era


    •    The importance of continuous innovation and adaptation in the rapidly evolving digital landscape; strategies for staying agile and responsive to market changes, emerging technologies, and evolving customer needs through iterative experimentation and learning
    •    Common challenges and roadblocks encountered in digital transformation and data strategy initiatives and how to overcome these challenges

    Kendell Timmers, SVP, Head of Data & Insights, THE NEW YORK TIMES
    Sam Marks, Director of Business Strategy, Solutions & Analytics, BOSTON BRUINS
    Gabrielle Riese, Model Risk Manager, CITIZENS
    Parag Shah, Vice President of Data, CARGURUS

  • 5:00


  • 6:30-9:00